We offer a fuel polishing service

Over time, contaminants such as water, bacteria, and sludge can build up in your storage tank. This can affect the lifespan of your fuel. The most economical way to combat this is through fuel polishing.

Fuel polishing or fuel cleaning is a process where the fuel from your exacting tank is pumped through the polisher and spins a mixture of oil and impurities in a rapidly spinning centrifuge bowl, which causes the heavier contaminants to be forced outward and collected on the centrifuge bowl wall from the purified oil. This principle of centrifugal force is what makes centrifuges such a good tool for purifying oil then the oil passes through very fine micron filters Micron 1

The Benefits

Kerosene and diesel have undergone changes in recent years with the sulphur content being removed and with additives plus bio in the mix cleaning can improving fuel efficiency and performance.